domingo, 22 de abril de 2012

Season Finale

Strangely enough, wind blows in downtown Vancouver. Feels like, one by one, it's flipping the pages of this adventure towards its end. The heavy cover of this book claiming for a final chapter.

This past weeks went by in the blink of an eye and I still wonder if it's been a good or a bad thing. Truth be told, not having time to think about what I'm leaving behind, has made it way easier.

Canada, you've been bittersweet. More bitter than sweet, but still an experience that's been worth every single line of it.

Vancouver, you've been my teacher. From the moment I landed here you were in my blood. I'll never be free of you, nor do I wanna be. For you are what I am, all that is and should always be.

Ahead of me, a few days to say my goodbyes which, don't feel as tough since I know its more like an "I'll see you later".

Good hunting Grand Old lady, I'm starting a new book that begins at the end of my comfort zone.

Have fun :)

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